Liberia Academy Updates
We conducted a Leadership Academy in Liberia in March of this year with our friends Paul and Debbie Troquille. We had 124 church leaders in attendance, representing 32 churches. Our time in Liberia was unforgettable, with almost all participants committing to planting a new church before the end of the year. We were recently informed that 17 new churches have been established since the Academy. We desire to focus on this African region, where there are still unreached people groups. We plan to revisit Liberia and collaborate with partners to establish thriving churches among the unreached. There is a significant need to train church leaders in planting and shepherding churches. Please join us in prayer for all the necessary pieces to fall into place for this to become a reality.
Hope Center, Burundi Updates
We reported in May that the East African region had experienced catastrophic flooding. The Gatumba, Burundi area—where our Hope Center is located—was impacted by the rains. Fortunately, the floodwaters only approached our location by 50 meters rather than reaching our center. The floods caused thousands to be displaced. Some were swept away, while others moved. The authorities made every effort to assist in the search for the missing (not only from our Hope Center but also from the community), but many could not be found. Even though we now have new children, we still miss the ones we lost.

Family News
On Saturday, July 6th Lea’s father, Esko Hulkkonen (pictured with Lea), passed away after a long illness. Thanks to all who have sent messages of condolence and prayer.
Thank you
Thank you, everyone, for believing in and partnering with us for Africa. Time and again, we have woken up to miracles like the one we told you about today. So many of you have been part of these miracles, and we are thankful. If we can have faith in God, we will see Him do more than we could ever dream.
Jamie, Lea, and Andreya