Psalm 119:126 MSG “Invigorate my soul so I can praise you well, use your decrees to put iron in my soul. And should I wander off like a lost sheep – seek me! I’ll recognize the sound of your voice.”
Whatever I do, especially when it comes to God and His work, I want to do it well. I don’t want anything that I do for God to be half-baked. When my soul, my mind, and emotions, are in the right place, I’ll praise Him well. Then, my soul will receive His decrees, His Word, which in turn will give me the strength of heart to stand when I feel like falling.
But even then, when I’ve stood strong, I can fall when the storms of life blow fiercely. Yet, even then, I will recognize Him when He calls.
Family updates
For the past 5 weeks, we have been visiting family, friends, and partners in the USA. In the middle of these travels, my (Jamie) father, Pastor Tom Peters, passed away and went to be with Jesus. We were blessed to be together as a family when this happened. While it has been difficult, and we understandably had to cancel some speaking engagements, God has been faithful. We appreciate the love and prayers so many of you have sent our way, they have truly sustained us during this time. My father’s memorial service is taking place this weekend (Jan. 14, 2023). Afterward, (Jan. 17, 2023) we will return to Africa. To view the service online, please click here. It will be broadcast live on Jan. 14, 2023, at 6:00 pm EST.
Lea’s father is quite unwell and we also request prayers for him and the family. While we don’t know what tomorrow holds, we do know Who holds tomorrow.
Zambia building update
For the past year or so we have been sending updates on the progress being made on the main building at our main church in Lusaka, Zambia. God is so faithful! While the building isn’t fully complete, it was able to house the church during its New Year services. We expect that sometime this year the church will begin using the facility regularly. There remains electrical work, doors, windows, painting, etc., to be done, however – we’re almost there!
Coming in 2024
- February 2024 I will be speaking at a missions conference in Australia at Imagine Nations Church.
- March 2024 we will all go to Liberia to hold another leadership academy in partnership with Paul and Debbie Troquille. This will be our first time working in West Africa, we are so excited about this opportunity.
- August 2024 we will be working in partnership again with Hand of Hope to hold a free community clinic in Malawi.
- We will be setting up a studio in Pretoria, South Africa where we will record and begin offering our leadership academy online.
- New church plants in Uganda and South Africa.
- If you want to know more information on how to support or be involved in any way with these, or any of our other projects (education, feeding, etc.) you can email us at
The New Year began with a storm for us, and likely for some of you as well. But, in the storm, we have recognized His voice and we know all is well. We will work until His Kingdom comes.
Thank you so much for your love, prayers, and partnership, Jamie, Lea and Andreya