



Pictured above, a new church coming in Mchinji, Malawi
Pictured above, a new church coming in Mchinji, Malawi

Before moving to Africa, I had a limited palate. What I mean by this is that I didn’t use much more than salt and pepper as seasoning. If I made spaghetti sauce, I felt accomplished because I sprinkled a little oregano into the sauce. Until we moved here in 1987, our spice cabinet at home was pretty bare.

Now, we have a cabinet full of Indian masala (we have come to love Indian cuisine), turmeric, cardamom, chili powder, cumin, and white pepper, to name a few. It’s not that I am good at using them, but at least I try to branch out.

Salt, however, remains a staple seasoning no matter where you go. Without it, most of what we eat would be bland.

Mark 9:49,50 NASB “For everyone will be salted with fire. Salt is good…”

We like to use the above verse when talking about being salt and light in the world. Indeed, it is one of the ways to apply the verse. However, as I read this verse the other day, I realized that all of us will be “seasoned” or “salted” with fire. What I find interesting is the small phrase that says, “Salt is good.” That fire we go through is good for us as it pushes us closer to the One who can guide us through life’s furnaces. Remember, salt is good, even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time.

News & updates

Liberia Leadership Academy will be held on the 25-30 of March 2024. We will travel on the 20th of March and return to South Africa on the 30th. Paul and Debbie Troquille will join us as we branch out for the first time into West Africa. Please pray for safe travels and a productive time as we teach 100 pastors and church leaders.

Our long-awaited online Leadership Academy will hopefully launch before the end of the year. We have a lot of work to do in the interim. Pray that we find the right help to get what is needed set up for the academy – we need help.

A new church is being planted in Mchinji, Malawi. This plant is surprising to all of us as it was not planned. God blessed the work in Malawi with a sizeable piece of property to farm. The crops will help to sustain the feeding project at the Hope Center in Lilongwe (the capital city). However, what was surprising was the interest of the local community in our activities. As a result, a cell group was born and soon, a church will be planted.

Building of the main church building in Lusaka, Zambia is nearing completion. For those of you who have followed us for any time, you are aware that we’ve been working towards getting this done for a few years now. Zambia’s government frowns on land remaining undeveloped after purchase, and we have had our land since 2003. We were feeling pressure to see things get done and thankfully, God has come through. The shell of the building is done. Now, we are working to see doors, windows, electrical work, plumbing, and painting done. We are hopeful that we will be able to travel to Zambia by the end of the year to dedicate the building because we know that He who started this work will complete it.

Big Constructed Warehouse

In the foreground is the temporary shelter the church in Lusaka has been meeting in for nearly 20 years. Behind it is the nearly completed building.

Prayer requests and updates

Personal news is never lacking. Andreya, our daughter, is now 16 and in 10th grade. She is showing an interest in pursuing something in the sciences. Please pray as she is having some vision-related issues that we’re following with the help of a specialist.

Thanks to all of you who have faithfully partnered with us to see many things done on the continent. Your love, partnership, and prayers have made a difference.

Jamie, Lea, and Andreya


Click on the video link below to look at our farming projects in Malawi and Burundi. This is our first year seriously farming in both nations. The income generated by these projects will help feeding projects and schools.

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For books by Jamie & Lea, click on the link below.




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